Wall Paintings
₹ 2,495 ₹ 2,246
Author : Ram Partap Verma
Publisher : The Browser
Subject : Designs
Language : English
Binding Type : HB
Status : Released
ISBN-13 : 9789388150156
1 in stock
Author Ram Partap Verma’s lens has lovingly and painstakingly captured the magnificent but vanishing wall paintings of his home town Bhiwani. Having seen his mother painting walls at home with images of Gugga Pir and festivals like Gangaur, the pictures on the walls of Havelis in this city mesmerised him and sowed the seeds of art in his young mind. Executed since the 18th century and based mainly on mythological themes, these unnoticed and vandalised paintings use pigments that are still intact.
Unfortunately, a few snapshots documented in this book do not exist anymore as many Havelis have been demolished to make way for modern houses. The prevailing conditions portray a disregard and insensitive approach of owners, caretakers and the government to this incredible heritage. These wall paintings, the vanishing treasures of Bhiwani, are waiting for caring hands and willing hearts to preserve them. A product of the Chandigarh Art College and a teacher, many of Ram Partap Verma’s works are in different public and private collections. Deft at using film, camera and the brush, this book is his tribute to preserving our heritage.
Weight : 250gm
Breadth : 24cm
Length : 23.9cm
Height : 2cm
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