Insights into the millet movement that is happening in India creating a buzz with consumers, entrepreneurs, chefs, NGOs and government. Hear how people have become inspired by this humble ancient grain. Stories, touching moments, beautiful imagery, harsh environments to new urban trends and recipes especially created by chefs and a nutritionist. This and more. Be amazed by this quiet revolution that is happening in India.
The Millet Movement In India
₹2,549 ₹2,294
- Author: Dr Sangeetha Parthasarathi & Joanna Kane-Potaka
- Publisher: Penguin Enterprise
- Subject: Food
- Language: English
- Status: Released
- ISBN-13: 9780670096459
1 in stock
SKU: 9780670096459
Categories: Books, Health & Fitness, Nonfiction, Penguin, Publishers
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