Human ageing is reversible. Scientific research shows that we can literally turn back the markers of getting old, including blood pressure, muscle strength, cholesterol levels and many others. Using the tools in this book, you can learn specific strategies for melting away those biological years so you can feel, perform and look like you did as many as fifteen years ago. Grow Younger, Live Longer is a complete anti-ageing manual, including a simple programme, at the heart of which are ten essential steps. If you incorporate these into your weekly routine, your age-reversal process will very soon be underway. Combining all the knowledge and pioneering spirit that made Ageless Body, Timeless Mind into a huge international bestseller, with all the latest discoveries in mind/body medicine, Grow Younger, Live Longer will show millions of readers round the world how they can achieve a long life filled with joy and vitality.
Live Longer Grow Younger
₹499 ₹449
- Author: Deepak Chopra
- Publisher: Rider
- Subject: Popular Science
- Status: Released
- ISBN-13: 9780712630320
1 in stock
SKU: 9780712630320
Categories: Books, Nonfiction, Popular science, Publishers, Rider
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