A mysterious scientist arrives at a local inn in Iping, covered from head to toe in strange clothing and a refusal to socialize. What he considers to be his greatest accomplishment poses more threat than he had ever imagined—a formula that can turn humans invisible! As he attempts to preserve his formula and gain recognition, he realizes the formula is more trouble than its worth, but he refuses to quit! He gets into many funny scuffles, thrilling adventures and serious injuries, but will the Invisible Man make it out of this experiment alive? Read on to find out.
About the Author
Wonder House has a dedicated team of editors and designers involved in the development of magnificent and enriching children books. The team pays special attention to develop age appropriate content and does extensive research on every topic included in the book. Our mission is to develop highly informative content which will help the children to master different skills. At Wonder House, we strive to make learning a joy.
- Weight : 350
- Breadth : 20.5
- Length : 13.5
- Height : 2.5