How The World Really Works
A Scientist's Guide to Our Past, Present and Future
₹ 799 ₹ 719
Author : Vaclav Smil
Publisher : Penguin
Subject : Non-fiction
Language : English
Binding Type : PB
No of Pages : 326
Status : Relesed
Date : 2022
ISBN-13 : 9780241454404
1 in stock
We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don’t know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity.
From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check – because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts.
Compelling, data-rich and revisionist, this wonderfully broad, interdisciplinary masterpiece finds faults with both extremes. Looking at the world through this quantitative lens reveals hidden truths that change the way we see our past, present and uncertain future.
Weight : 295gms
Breadth : 15cm
Length : 23cm
Height : 1.5cm
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