When the oppressed animals of Manor Farm defeat their master, Mr. Jones and take over the farm for themselves, they envisage it to be the beginning of independence and abundance. However, a devious and heartless elite among the animals starts to take control and the other animals find themselves helplessly trapped as another gradually replaces one form of dictatorship. Orwell?s frightening ?fairy story? is a timeless and overwhelming satire of idealism deceived by power and corruption. Although, it almost remained unpublished due to its savage attack on Stalin, Britain?s then ally and got turned down by publisher after publisher, today it?s known to be one of Orwell?s best works and a world-famous classic.
Animal Farm
₹150 ₹135
- Author: George Orwell
- Publisher: Amazing Reads
- Subject: Fiction
- Status: Released
- ISBN-13: 9788193387641
1 in stock
SKU: 9788193387641
Categories: Amazing Reads, Books, Classics, Fiction, Publishers
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