The Book Of All Books
₹ 1,499 ₹ 1,349
Author : Calasso, Roberto
Publisher : Allen Lane
Subject : Biography
Language : English
Status : Released
ISBN-13 : 9780241446720
1 in stock
A splendid reimagining of key stories from the Bible, from the renowned Italian writer, thinker and publisher
A man named Saul is sent to search for some lost donkeys and on the way is named king of his people. The queen of a remote African realm travels for three years with her entourage to meet the king of Jerusalem and pose him a few riddles. A man named Abraham hears a divine voice speaking words that reverberate throughout the Bible: ‘Go away from your land, from your kindred and from the house of your father toward the land that I will show you’.
In The Book of All Books , Roberto Calasso weaves together stories of promise and separation from one of the founding texts of Western civilization. These tales of grace and guilt, of the chosen and the damned, cast many Biblical figures and indeed the whole book in a light as astonishing as it is disquieting.
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